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The Puppet theatre group enables children and adolescents to express themselves through various theatrical techniques and test themselves on stage. In addition to personally get familiar with the tools of theatrical expression, children and adolescents can have a crack at appearing on stage.

The puppet theatrical workshops reinforce expressiveness and creativity, stimulate play, development of speech and self-confidence, which we need for public speaking. Children can express their emotions with puppets more easily, and they are more easily absorbed in the character they play. The puppet helps them to constructively talk, listen, participate and stay focused.

During workshop we play a lot and experiment when rehearsing and improvising. This leads us to be creative and full of ideas. We look for interesting stories that can be staged in a way that is fun for the public.

At the same time, we learn to function in a group, express our feelings, lose fear of expressing them, and overcome stage fright. We are responsible, motivated, we accept ourselves and others and we listen to and are heard. We experiment a lot and act and complement each other and then we make a story, which we then practice for the performance. 

This kind of work and creation strengthens us personally strengthens, connects, develops our self-esteem and humour, and gives us pleasure and joy when we make others laugh.

At rehearsals, we learn to resolve conflicts constructively, test what is new, which leads us to our further development. We stick to the basic theatrical rule: "Less is more!" We also attach great deal of importance to give place importance to the performances that round off our path to normalization and deinstitutionalization. We participate in events both inside and outside the institution.