Orodje za dostopnost

Socialization is, on the one hand, the individual’s personality shaping, and on the other, the integration into the society, the development of socially acceptable, required and/or expected patterns of behaviour (Popit, 2011, p. 48).

Rosenmayer (1981) believes that socialization was divided among the three most important agents of socialization more than thirty years ago. These agents are family, peers and educational institutions. And this is still the case today. These three factors play different roles in the life of a child or adolescent.

When children and adolescents are placed in our educational institution, the latter plays a central role in their process of socialization. Since the involvement of a child or adolescent into the social world is an important part of socialization, the competencies needed for active inclusion in society are developed within the IDTU.

IDTU is a programme of individual work with an individual, which includes attendance of external institutions, gatherings and events outside the residential treatment institution. Since children and adolescents placed into our institution come from different primary families and with various previous experiences in the "outside" world, we draw up an individual plan based on their prior experience, needs and wishes. The plan includes personal growth and the learning of social skills such as for example shopping, going to a bank and post office, payment of bills, library visits, cultural and sports events, etc.

The plan implementation is regularly evaluated and adjusted. With this kind of approach, children and adolescents get prepared to start everyday life in society at large and they are encouraged to become active members of the society within the limits of their abilities. In this way, we try to facilitate their transition from our institution to home environment or autonomous living.


Počkar, M., Andolšek, S., Popit, T., Barle Lakota, A. (2011). Uvod v sociologijo 2, DZS

Rosenmeyer, L. (1981). Aktuelle Probleme del Heimerziehung (str. 13-27), Wien: Jugendamt der Stadt WIen