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Music can awaken strong emotions and help in the development of the brain. Music gets us on our feet, draws a smile on our face and touches our emotions. In short, music makes us happy, says neuropsychologist Eric Scherder.

Music effectively assists in education. It makes an important contribution to the child's emotional, social, intellectual and physical and motor development. Experience of music stimulates the exploration of different and new ideas, sharpens the perception of the environment and increases the quality of expressing emotions, and leads to thinking and solving problems, and organizing perceptions (Božič, Habe and Jerman, 2007). When singing and playing instruments, children gain and increase control over their bodies, and also adopt new words, which positively influence the use of speech and help learn the word and sound patterns (Pesek, 1997).

In addition to all positive effects of music listed above, we have recently observed an increase in research that demonstrates the positive impact of music on the brain development. The neuroscientist Eric Scherder thus claims that "music makes us better people" since listening, and especially creating music establishes a connection between the front and the back of the brains. This connection stimulates empathy development. Campbell (2000) emphasizes that the number of neural connections can increase with the help of sound, thereby encouraging the child's speech abilities. Contact with music activates and develops sound recognition and reproduction centres are activated and developed. They are located in the front of the right brain hemisphere.

When working with children with special needs, music has many functions defined by Merriam (2000, 174-181) as:

- the function of expressing emotions

- the function of aesthetic pleasure

- fun function

- communication function

- the function of the physical response

- the function of social integration

All of the above and more are reasons that part of the activities deal with music in our Professional Centre.

Our music programmes are tailored to the needs and abilities of the children and adolescents included in the individual work. Flexibility at work allows us to approach each individual in the way most acceptable to them.

As part of the creation and reproduction of group music, we develop and strengthen the ability to adapt to the social group, master control of impulsive behaviour, relax inner tension, learn socially acceptable communications and develop creative thinking. Singing or playing the instrument positively influences the child's well-being, expression and progress.

New experience is gained in various public appearances within the institution and outside.


Campbell, D. (2000). Mozart za otroke [The Mozart effect for children]. Ljubljana: Založba Tangram.

Merriam Alan, P. (2000) Antropologija glasbe. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.

Pesek, A. (1997). Otroci v svetu glasbe [Children in the world of music]. Ljubljana: Založba

Mladinska knjiga.

van OOijen, M. Music makes you better person says neuroscientist Erik Schreder. Obtained from: http://www.deephouseamsterdam.com/music-makes-you-better-person-says-neuroscientist-erik-scherder/

Božič, A. Habe, K., Jerman. J,. (2007). Povezanost glasbene spodobnosti in fonološkega zavedanja pri      predšolskih otrocih, obtained from: http://psiholoska-obzorja.si/arhiv_clanki/2007_1/bozic.pdf